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Writer's pictureJill Brocklehurst

Perfectionism As An Asset


~ Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

I want to live my best life and, I am willing to do the work to ensure success on every account. I am a self-proclaimed perfectionist and driven by nature. There is so much literature claiming I need healing. Rubbish! We know from studying metaphysics that the Universe doesn’t make junk. We are perfect, whole and complete just the way we are. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t growth opportunities.

I have learned from studying the Striving Styles Personality System that we can be stuck in a pattern of protective behaviour. This means we are using actions in the attempt to meet our needs, but, in a very unproductive way. I have a driving need for control. This is helpful when I am organizing our garage and less than useful when I am micro-managing my husband, colleague or adult children, “MUM!”

So, although I am perfect, all of me, there are be areas where I can grow and be more effective in fulfilling my desires in life; relationships, finances, success, health… you know? And of course I want to, I am a perfectionist.

But what does perfectionism even mean? In Katherine Morgan Schafler’s book, “The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control; A Path to Peace and Power”, she claims there is a colloquial definition:

“A perfectionist is someone who wants everything to be perfect all the time and who gets upset when things aren’t perfect.”

As a perfectionist I am aware of the negative connotations in our culture? The top videos that pop-up in a web search are titled, “Curing Perfectionism”, “The Dangers of Perfectionism”, “The Problem With Perfectionism”, “The Perfectionist Trap”, and on it goes. Morgan Schafler debunks the concept that there is something wrong if you have attributes of perfectionism. Any truth telling philosophy claims, we are born whole and complete from, and in, a perfect Universe just the way we are. There isn’t a better us to strive toward. Uncovering and living from our present best self, just the way we are, isn’t about becoming different, more like ‘them’ that appear to have everything together, but rather about embracing our unique brilliance.

Ernest Holmes says,

“We know, by intuition, that there is something beyond what we have so far consciously experienced in this world. Poets have sung of it and there are moments, in the lives of all, when the veil seems thin between and we almost enter into the heavenly estate. This is the meaning of coming to one’s self. We are still in the awakening state, we have not yet consciously entered the state of perfect wholeness. We know that such a state is a reality, and that we shall yet attain this reality. Nothing can dislodge this inner and intuitive perception from our mentality; we know it as certainly as we know that we live. We are awakening to the realization that the Universe is perfect and complete. It gives. It is love. It is good and wills only good to all alike.”

I find myself called to books with titles that depict my desire and journey. Many of them are oxymorons, word combinations like;

  • gifts of imperfection

  • beautiful constraint

  • losing control

  • search for meaning

  • the light we carry

  • the myth of normal

  • power of regret

  • looking backward moves us forward

  • more myself

  • untamed

  • remembering ourselves home

  • art of possibility

  • thriving through uncertainty

  • infinite game

  • loving what is

  • strength in the storm

  • let yourself go

  • falling forward

  • fail fast, fail often

These are all are partial or total titles of books I have read. If the words grab you, look them up. That inner voice is calling you onward and upward out of the limiting beliefs that hold you small.

We already contain greatness. The work is finding the tools, friends, groups and activities that help us believe and unleash our perfection in courage and faith. There is greater Good and we ought to have it. Well dam it, we gotta claim it!

~ Check out any book store and see what title pulls you in. The short winter days are still here, a perfect time to curl up cosy in a comfy chair and enjoy the journey of you, right now in this moment, perfect as you are.

~ What is something you can do to celebrate you?

~ I invite you to join us at one of our classes to practice and learn more about the Truth, Perfect Wholeness everywhere. Follow this link for more info

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