The Lion Tracker's Guide to Life Book Study
Discovering your gift, your mission and your wildest self.

Time & Location
Aug 21, 2023, 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. PDT
Physical Location TBD or by Zoom
About the Event
Our first evening together we will be reflecting on Chapter 1 & 2 of the book, The Lion Tracker's Guide to Life, by Body Varty. Come prepared to discuss. This is a self-facilitated group.
Somewhere deep inside, you know what your gift, purpose, and mission are. Boyd Varty, a lion tracker and life coach, reveals how the wisdom from the ancient art of tracking can teach you how to recognize these essential ingredients in a meaningful life.
Know how to navigate, don’t worry about the destination, and stay alert. These are just a few of the strategies that contribute to both successful lion tracking and a life of fulfillment. When we join Boyd Varty and his two friends tracking lions, we are immersed in the South African bush, and, although we learn some of the skills required for actual tracking, the takeaways are the strategies that can be applied to our everyday lives. Trackers learn how to use all of their senses to read the environment and enter into a state of “greater aliveness”. When we learn to find and follow our inner tracks, we learn to see what is deeply important to us. The story of this one-day adventure—with danger and suspense along the way—uses the ancient art of tracking to convey profound lessons on how to live a purposeful, meaningful life of greater harmony.
In person or by zoom. Location to be announced.
Suggeseted $10 donation each drop-in.
Suggested drop-in $10/week
Pay what you want+Service feeSale ended