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  • Writer's pictureJill Brocklehurst

How to Begin Living Abundantly

“Change from imperfection to perfection is an idea. It penetrates and is the self. Whatever you look at must operate to suit you. Your idea is alive, strong, active.” Emma Curtis Hopkins

News and social media are some of the today’s worst influencers. A constant influx of negativity and the spread of misinformation, partnered with perpetual exposure to the curated lives of others online, can lead to people experiencing unrealistic expectations and feelings of inadequacy. Anxiety, depression and other mental health issues have become common experiences these days, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

In life, we can say that there are "haves" and "have-nots"; people who see 'the glass as half full' (often referred to as "optimists"), and, well, some who just don’t see life that way. The latter group sometimes call themselves "realists". Regardless of the titles we may choose to align with, Life offers us undeniable raw data and measurable facts. From there, we add our own personal perspectives to the mix. These perspectives are generally based around our conditioning, in the form of values and belief systems, and they can warp these unarguable truths in our minds. The thing is, the glass is both half full and half empty. Attitude is everything when we are seeking to live with peace of mind, and to lead a joy-filled, rewarding life.

Studies show that only up to 30% of an individual's optimism can be attributed to genetic factors. Beyond that, positive expectations can be learned and cultivated. Aligning with, and surrounding ourselves with 'good vibes", such as hope and a faith in something bigger than ourselves, is a foundational practice for changing our experience to one of 'abundant living'.

I invite you to join me in a week of focusing on gratitude. Let’s make the commitment and do it together. Brain imaging studies show evidence of neuroplasticity. In other words, it is possible to change our old neural pathways through new approaches. So, let's create a new habit of recognizing the abundance that is present in our lives, so that we tune in to seeing ever more opportunity and growth all around us. Life is bursting with expression in all its dimensions. Given that we are assigning our own meanings to what we see and experience, and knowing that what we focus on expands, why not adopt a gratitude practice that creates a feedback loop that garners more and more good.

Master metaphysician, Emma Curtis Hopkins, explained that when we focus intensely on an idea, it seeps into our being, spreading through our thoughts until it becomes a part of who we are. If we concentrate on a powerfully inspiring or profound concept, it gradually fills our mind, shaping our perspective, until we embody that idea completely. However, if we only give such ideas our partial attention, we only partially align with them. Likewise, if we barely pay any attention to an idea, it remains distant and has little impact on us.

In her book, “The Magic,” author Rhonda Byrne wrote that, “... to increase anything in your life, you have to be grateful for what you already have.”

Let me make this clear: abundant living isn’t about getting more. Cultivating a new perspective is more important than focusing on acquisition.

Rhonda Byrne's suggestion for getting started with this cultivation is to commit to the following practice of answering the questions below, every day:

  • I am truly blessed to have     what?, because     why?   .

  • I am so happy and grateful for     what?  , because     why?   .

  • I am truly grateful for     what?  , because     why?   .

  • With all my heart, thank you for     what?  , because     why?   .

Upon reviewing the great things that have come my way, I personally like to write a list of ten blessings at the end each day. This sets my mind into a habit of looking for the Good. In this way, I am rewiring my brain to see the world through a lens of abundance. Imagine how you will feel in seven days if you begin to do the same!

I invite you to take a breath, right now, and look around you. What is the first thing you are aware of being grateful for in this moment? That’s it... you just completed your first step into the land of “half full” and beyond!

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