Love is the Good we are seeking.
Love is the highest name of the Infinite Omnipotent Universe.
Love is another name for Life.
Love is not something which comes to us from any one person and then goes away. (That is only a sign of love).
Love is the One Presence, is eternal and infinite.

Here is a sign of love…
Last week, one evening, as we left work, we found post-its on our windshields. At first, we were curious… “was it a parking ticket”? After seeing what was on the first car, we raced around looking at what was on the other cars; sleuthing to determine their source. Wow, the post-its each contained different notes, that said things like:
“The world needs more people like you. Thank you for all you do!!” and, “You’re worth it!!”
(If you are the one who gave these gifts …THANK YOU!)
What a great demonstration of creating “a world that works for everyone”! What if we ALL took moments to pay LOVE forward?
Think for a moment, about the rush of energy circulating through the person who put those notes on everyone’s cars. Think about the impact on each person who read their message. Such a message received, awakens truths already within. This sets a vibration in motion… an expansion. Expansion is easy because it is the natural state of the Universe.

Human Potential scholar and author, Jean Houston, in a forward she penned for an edition of The Science of Mind, wrote:
“How can we deal with a world in the throes of whole-system transition, in which everything that we have known is changing at so rapid a pace that we are caught between the dangers that threaten us and the opportunities that beckon us?
“Educated for the demands of a different time and culture, we are called to be reeducated, to use much more of ourselves in meeting the many new challenges that confront us.
“We have no choice, then, but to democratize greatness and utilize the whole continuum of human and divine potential. The Science of Mind says that this is not only possible, it is what is expected of us. Indeed, it is that for which we have been created.
“For the first time in human history we are required, as a species, to extend ourselves into radically new ways of being. The tasks that are now ours, the tasks of virtual creation, compel the revolution in consciousness that tells us that we are part of the great unfolding of Spirit in flesh.”
It is up to each of us to find ways to pay Love forward; to be part of the solution… the change we wish to see. We are at a time of evolution where we need to shift from, “What can I get?”, to “What can I give?” and “Who do I need to be in order to have the life I want to live?”
Love is above and away from the physical. It is not something to buy, to get, or a relationship to have, or an expression of affection. Love is the Life Principle behind all creation. It is expansive, beautiful; filled with joy and power, light and peace. Love is everywhere and, when we are looking for it, we will see it.
Author Joel Goldsmith wrote, “Every mystic, saint, or saviour broke through the limitations of the human mind and made contact with Infinite Consciousness. Hundreds of mystics did it. Yet, even though they received illumination to the extent that they were able to do great things for their people, they could never give them a freedom that could be maintained.
“Now we face the question: Since we not only know the attainment of mysticism, but also the principles upon which these demonstrations were made and are being made now, will we learn them?
“Will we be willing to practice them so that, this time, they remain on Earth and continue to unfold until that day comes when the entire universe will be illumined with the one infinite consciousness?”
Can we actually learn from acts of kindness and then practice them as part of our daily way of being? I know The Good I am seeking is LOVE, and I make it my mission to see all the places it shows up and then to discover creative ways to be in the expression of this powerful life-affirming energy. This is an ongoing journey filled with magic. It isn’t always easy but the rewards are soooo worth it! Let’s pay love forward together.

PRACTICE THE PRESENCE: Meditation (In Person - Outside) Sunday morning from 11:00 am - Noon PT
An hour of guided meditation and a unique form of non-linear, yogic "dialogue" sharing, in inspiring locations that change each week. NEWCOMERS WELCOME. NO EXPERIENCE OR SPECIAL EQUIPMENT NECESSARY. The forecast is for wet and wind this Sunday, so we’re bringing our practice back inside again this week. Sunday, Nov 7th, we'll be in the Sanctuary at The Centre, 516 S. Dogwood Street, Campbell River. The free to bring a yoga mat and blanket, if you’d like to lie on the floor. Otherwise, blankets will be provided. CLICK HERE to link to our website events page
CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE: Mindfulness Course 5 Mon. eves. Start: Nov 02, 2021 / 6:30 - 8:30 pm (In-person & Online)
Ready to shift your relationships, finances, health and more? This 5 session course is a great opportunity to re-focus before the end of the year, to finish off 2021 strong. (No pre-requisites required. GREAT FOR NEWCOMERS). Class has begun and is off to a great start, but there are a few latecomers who are still keen to join, so Jill will extend registration up to class 2 (this coming Tuesday). Contact the office for help in setting that up. We are open Sundays to Thursdays. 250-850-3064 OR $125 exchange requested. (All proceeds go to charity) (Money back guarantee).

Our strange and wondrous journey in the forest was a great success! Thanks to everyone who participated, both the performers, the audience and the set-up and tear-down crews. And, if you enjoyed it, please consider donating to the Centre to help ensure that this kind of great programming can continue to thrive and inspire!
Stay tuned for our upcoming WINTER SOLSTICE event!
~ Hand knit lumberman’s blanket: Sandy Lowe ~ Assorted “Just For You’ gifts basket: Paul Franklin ~ Original “City of Lights” painting by Jim Swift: Brian ~ Assorted handcrafted candles form Earth Family Crystals: Sue Auld
~ Have you ever participated in a “pay it forward” exercise… doing something good where the
receiver doesn’t know?
~ Have you ever been the receiver of a good deed?
~ What can you do this week to pay Love forward?
~ Journal about your experiences and give thanks.
Dear Practitioner: “There never seems to be enough time in my life. I feel burnt out. What can I do?”
Answer: (We have moved Ask a Practitioner to a video format. Please check out our video with this week’s response on the Centre’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter feeds).
CLICK HERE to link to the video on Facebook.
We now also have many of our episodes up on our YouTube Channel - please head over there to like, share and subscribe! Click Link
We welcome any questions you might like to submit for this segment, and, for extra uplift, a reminder that we offer free affirmations upon on request, through our Practitioner email: (We also offer one-on-one sessions for anyone who would like a more targeted support or coaching).

Volunteer: We are always in need of volunteers for this and that, and we are grateful to each and every one of you!! This week, we are thanking all the folks who selflessly and joyously came together to make Wyrd Woodlands a resounding success!! The tech, the decorating, the performances, the costumes, the stunt work, the acrobatics, the music, the dancing, the ritual, the hauling and the heft… it was all great and YOU are all great-ly appreciated. And a big shout-out to Collette for being the mastermind and coordinator of it all!
We’re planning lots more activities and are always being creative about how to still offer uplifting programming, even with provincial restrictions in place. So, if you have any special skills you think might be of use, we’d love to hear about them! Simply contact the office ( We’ll point you in the right direction.
Bright Ideas: How about some fun activity ideas? Got any of those that you’d like to share? Once again, our office is the best first point of contact: (
Get Social: We invite you to follow us on social media. Go ahead and share and comment on any of our posts that you enjoy, too! #TheCentreCR, #GetCentred and #UpliftLife. Please also check us out and subscribe to our Youtube Channel! Click here to visit

Charitable Giving:The Centre is a registered charity that is wholly sustained through the generosity of folks like you. Thank you!
Your contributions mean that, even in the times we are in, we are still able to offer classes, events and individual support, and continue our practice of giving to other charities in need within our community as well. (For any donation of $25 or more, you will be issued a tax receipt, but every bit of generosity helps, no matter the amount or the form it comes in). CLICK HERE TO DONATE
Reminder, too, that a Thrifty’s SMILE card can be used to donate to the Centre, as well as the empties you take to the Recycling Depot!
Copyright (C) 2021 Centre For Inspired Living - Campbell River. All rights reserved.