… begins with ME….
It is important to bring deep value and imagination to everything we do, to all life and all culture, because Soul is embedded in daily life: family, home, relationships, meal prep, friendships, cleaning…
But we neglect the Soul.
Our familiar way of accomplishment is through brute strength, or A + B = C, where we use our minds (what we call our ‘common sense’), and follow a prescription in order to achieve specific results. We work with reason, logic, analysis, research, equations, pros and cons. This, we are told, is the way to good, honest living. Following our Soul is following our heart. It is a more natural approach that is not manipulated by external influences, and it stems from an ‘unknown’ source. Our role with the Soul is to be an attentive observer, noticing how the Soul wants to thrust Itself into Life. Soul uses a different kind of math and logic. It presents images that are not immediately intelligible; suggestions; often fleeting impressions. Soul persuades more with desire than with ‘reasonableness’. There are so many ways the Soul expresses, but it is subtle, so we must be watchful. The absolutely cool part, is that the effects achieved are more magical than effortful. But, we have to trust in order to achieve those benefits.
A light and useful way for me to practice listening to my Soul is through swimming. Honestly, I love swimming. I have been swimming all my life. I am a great and confident swimmer. I have raced and taught swimming. I have swum in oceans, pools, lakes, and rivers all over the American continent. I love how it feels diving under water… BUT… I don’t like getting wet, and I don’t like being cold. So I listen to my head and it says, “You should really go for a swim.” My heart, on the other hand, says, “ya… but I really don’t want to.” I went swimming last Friday, and it was good… not great, but ‘good’. Then I lay in the sun for about 2 hours that same day… and THAT was blissful. There is a difference. My head took me swimming. My Soul lay on that recliner in the back yard sun.
A soulful way of living requires much reflection and ‘hard work’, but there is power in allowing yourself to experience the realm of ‘not knowing’ what to do. When we can bear a sustained feeling of emptiness and withstand the temptation to fill it prematurely, we are better able to create an opening for Infinite Possibility. It is so important for us to learn how to live from ‘not knowing’; expanding to contain the void instead of reaching outward for … something. Our Soul has no room to be known if we keep filling the gaps with ‘activity’.
We all spend far too much time and energy trying to be something we are not. This is a move against the Soul. We are who we are because of the special mix that makes up OUR Soul. True power comes from knowing our special mix (which may be entirely different from our fantasies about who we are, or who we want to be). When we live from our Soul, we live in harmony and balance within ourselves, and our body responds, our life responds… it IS like magic.
We also strengthen our power when we protect the power of others; when we honour the voice of the Soul expressing through others. There is no ‘right’ way or ‘wrong way’ to do Life. There is no such thing as “more spiritual” or “less spiritual”. There is just Life… and each person’s journey is their own journey… to be lived the way they choose.
So, if you have been struggling, by trying to make Life unfold in a certain predictable way, why not try it differently? Listen to your Soul, the call from your heart, and participate in creating a soul-full society. (Inspired by Thomas Moore’s book, Care of the Soul)
OUR NEW WEBSITE IS LAUNCHED! Yes, there are still some tweaks needed, but we have come a long way and we have been getting some good feedback on the results! We’d love it if you’d take some time to check it out and let us know what you think.
PRACTICE THE PRESENCE: Meditation (In Person - INSIDE this week, due to rain) Sunday mornings from 11:00 am - Noon PT An hour of guided meditation and a unique form of non-linear, yogic "dialogue" sharing, in inspiring locations that change each week. NEWCOMERS WELCOME. NO EXPERIENCE OR SPECIAL EQUIPMENT NECESSARY. Dress in a way that will be comfortable for you. Taking place this week, Sept 19, in our very own Sanctuary space (516 South Dogwood Street, Campbell River). DISMANTLING RACISM: GUIDED STUDY (In-person and Online) 5 Monday sessions. Starting Sept. 27th and ending Nov 08, 2012. 5:30 -7:00pm PT A safe and encouraging place for people looking to step further into Reconciliation and anti-racism ally-ship. We highly recommend this course. You will come away with a broadened perspective and some great new tools for speaking up about discrimination when you encounter it, whether externally, or within yourself. The course will include practical elements and will draw key points from several highly praised and widely used diversity and anti-racism texts. Please pre-register. (There is a monetary exchange requested for this course, but no one will be turned away if they don’t feel able to exchange at the suggested level. Simply contact the office to make other arrangements). CLICK HERE to link to our website events page
L.I.F.T. FEST: VOLUNTEER & COMMUNITY RESOURCES FAIR Saturday Sept 25th, from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm PT COMING UP NEXT SATURDAY! Giveaways and raffle planned! We have a booth at Volunteer Campbell River’s Leadership~Innovation Friendship~Training (L.I.F.T.) Fair this year. Come by to say hello, and let your friends know it’s an opportunity to meet us and find out more about what we offer. You’ll also be able to find out about lots of other organizations doing good work in the community at the same time - and we’re told there will be door prizes and demonstrations as well! At the SPORTSPLEX: 1800 S. Alder St.
SO YOU THINK YOU’RE A RIVERITE… : A Pledge Odyssey Undertaken by Jill A huge thank you to everyone who sent in a pledge for Jill’s fitness challenge! Stay tuned for video and photos, coming soon, as well as an opportunity to CHALLENGE YOURSELF to the same feats of athletic prowess! (Watch the website and this newsletter for more information as it becomes available). You can also contact the office, if you’d like more information
~ Is there an area of your life where you have practiced the art of listening to your Soul? (Perhaps it is a less crucial area that doesn’t have potential severe consequences, like swimming for me).
~ Write about this experience and all the feelings and magic that unfolded for you.
TRANSFORM Your Experience… ASK A PRACTITIONER Dear Practitioner: “Some things have come up for me lately, where all I have been working for seems to be crumbling underneath me. Nothing is working out, I’m really afraid and I’m losing faith” Answer: (We have moved Ask a Practitioner to a video format. Please check out our video with this week’s response on the Centre’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter feeds). CLICK HERE to link to the video on Facebook. We now have episodes up on our YouTube Channel - please head over there to like, share and subscribe! Click Link We welcome any questions you might like to submit for this segment, and, for extra uplift, a reminder that we offer free affirmations upon on request, through our Practitioner email: practitioner@thecentrecr.org. (We also offer one-on-one sessions for anyone who would like a more targeted support or coaching).
Volunteer: We are always in need of volunteers for this and that. Big thanks this week to Mary Lou for coming in to do some deep cleaning prior to site visits of the building. It’s amazing how the energy changes when some “spit ‘n polish” and TLC is in the mix! We have an auction coming up that we’re in search of handmade local art/crafts for.(Do you know any local artists that might like to contribute? Please let us know! It contributes to charity, AND it is a chance for folks to spread the word about the work they do - we’re happy to provide a little promo info along with any donation). We are also looking for small-ish items that can be used to fill up an assorted gift basket for the auction, so if you have any items you would be willing to donate, please connect with us, as soon as possible. It’s all for a great cause and every donation helps not only the Centre, but other charities we support as well. We’re planning lots more activities, always being creative about how to still offer uplifting programming, even with provincial restrictions in place. So, if you have any special skills you think might be of use, we’d love to hear about them! Simply contact the office (admin@thecentrecr.org). We’ll point you in the right direction.
Bright Ideas: How about some fun activity ideas? Got any of those that you’d like to share? Once again, our office is the best first point of contact: (admin@thecentrecr.org)
Get Social: We invite you to follow us on social media. Go ahead and share and comment on any of our posts that you enjoy, too! #TheCentreCR, #GetCentred and #UpliftLife. Please also check us out and subscribe to our Youtube Channel! Click here to visit
Charitable Giving: The Centre is a registered charity that is wholly sustained through the generosity of folks like you. Thank you! Your contributions mean that, even in the times we are in, we are still able to offer classes, events and individual support, and continue our practice of giving to other charities in need within our community as well. (For any donation of $25 or more, you will be issued a tax receipt, but every bit of generosity helps, no matter the amount or the form it comes in). CLICK HERE TO DONATE Reminder, too, that a Thrifty’s SMILE card can be used to donate to the Centre, as well as the empties you take to the Recycling Depot!
Copyright (C) 2021 Centre For Inspired Living - Campbell River. All rights reserved.